CBD Oil For Tooth Pain

The pain from a toothache is a particularly distressing type of pain that is experienced by many people. Pain from a toothache can feel like a throbbing… Got a toothache? Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a chemical extracted from hemp plants that doesn’t give you a high and can be used for pain relief. While there have not been many tests or studies done on using CBD oil for oral or… CBD oil has been gaining popularity as a pain reliever. Read further to find out if it’s an effective treatment for nagging tooth pain.

CBD oil and tooth pain

Anyone who’s ever suffered from tooth pain knows just how frustrating the pain can be. If you’re searching for a quick and convenient solution for toothaches, you may want to give medical CBD a try.

While the research on medical cannabis used in dentistry is limited, the number of unbiased studies showing its clear health benefits is not. The consensus of the scientific community is that medical cannabis can be an effective pain-reliever as well as an anti-inflammatory.

CBD also has strong antibacterial properties that could potentially prevent tooth pain when used as part of your dental hygiene routine.

CBD Oil Tooth Pain Relief

Apply a couple of drops of CBD oil directly to the affected region. Relief should occur within 5 to 30 minutes. Please note that if your CBD oil contains any THC above 1%, you may potentially experience intoxicating effects.

What is Medical CBD?

CBD is one of two main active compounds that come from the cannabis plant, with the other compound being THC. CBD has been used to help treat a variety of health issues such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, nerve pain, insomnia, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. The upside of CBD is that it doesn’t generate any intoxicating effects that recreational users refer to as getting “high” – effects that are only caused by the ingestion of THC.

To best accommodate patients who understandably may not want to engage in smoking, medical CBD has been extracted and synthesized into convenient forms of medication that range from oils and capsules.

Causes of Toothaches

It is known that toothaches result from poor dental hygiene, but they may have a bigger genetic component. For example, you can inherit your enamel, and mouth microbiome from your parents. As a result, some people have naturally weaker teeth that decay faster than others.

When plaque builds up in your mouth, it can lead to tooth decay, where parts of the bone wear thin or breaks. Plaque development causes the pulp that is at the center of your tooth to become exposed. This can lead to sharp pain as this part of the tooth is filled with nerve endings and blood vessels.

However, there are also a few other possible causes of tooth pain. For example, it could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are growing, or it could be linked with sinusitis.

As soon as you start feeling pain in your teeth, your first step should be to consult a dentist. They will assess the cause of your problem and offer practical solutions. In some cases, you might need to get a tooth taken out or follow a course of antibiotics.

Understanding the Types of Tooth Pain

Toothaches are a widespread problem among the general population. But not all tooth pain is the same. Sometimes but not all, toothaches can indicate a cavity, dental fracture or abscess. Below, you can read about the different types of tooth pain and what they could mean.

Throbbing Pain in the Back of the Jaw

This type of toothache pain occurs at the back molars at the back of the mouth and is usually a sign of impacted wisdom teeth. Most people have four wisdom teeth: two in the top row and two in the bottom row. While medical CBD can help ease the pain, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a dentist.

Sensitive Teeth Pain

If you experience sharp, sudden pain when your teeth are exposed to temperature changes, such as drinking cold water or sipping hot soup, this could be the result of rough brushing or the receding of your gum line. Possible causes also include cavities or abscesses. An abscess is a bacterial infection that begins around the root of the tooth.

Mild and Dull Tooth Pain

As the most common form of tooth pain, this type of pain feels like a consistently mild and dull pain that is continuously pulsating in the background. It can potentially be the result of nerve damage or tooth decay. It is highly recommended that you consult your dentist immediately.

Intense Throbbing Tooth Pain

Extreme pain that is limited to a localized area, such as an individual tooth, is a strong sign of infection or an abscess. If you have this pain, it is critically important that you receive immediate help. Medical CBD may provide some pain relief until you consult with your dentist.

CBD Oil Tooth Pain Treatment

Medical cannabis has been used to treat all sorts of pain for centuries. But how is the cannabis plant able to treat so many different health problems? The answer lies within our bodies.

Modern science has helped us understand that the therapeutic effects are a result of active cannabinoids interacting with our bodies’ internal endocannabinoid system.

Our Endocannabinoid System

Our endocannabinoid system is made up of numerous CB1 and CB2 receptors that are located throughout the body, such as the skin, brain, immune system, gastrointestinal tract and more. The purpose of our endocannabinoid system is to continually maintain an optimal state of cellular balance or homeostasis. It plays a vital role in regulating pain, inflammation, mood and appetite.

The phytocannabinoids (THC, CBD) that originate from the cannabis plant can bind and interact with our native cannabinoid receptors. When binding occurs, cannabinoids can influence the function of the endocannabinoid system, which can lead to a decrease in pain, inflammation, stress and even depression.

2019 Dutch Study On The Effects Of Medical Cannabis On Chronic Pain

A 2019 study tested the use of medical cannabis as a painkiller. Researchers conducted an experiment on a group of 20 chronic pain patients. They gave them either a drug containing various amounts of THC and CBD, or a placebo. For 3 hours following consumption of the drug, scientists tested the volunteers with a few different tests: self-assessed pain scores and electrical pain threshold tests.

The results were very positive. They showed that “Cannabis varieties containing THC caused a significant increase in pressure pain threshold relative to placebo.”

Chronic pain and acute pains like tooth pain behave differently. But in both cases, the endocannabinoid system regulates pain levels. So compounds like THC and CBD that act on that system can lower pain levels, no matter its cause.

There’s more to CBD Oil Tooth Pain:

Many medical cannabis patients who suffer from pain are turning to CBD for relief. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning that it does not cause a high. As a result, many people prefer it to THC to take throughout the day, knowing that it won’t affect their work performance or their daily business.

Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing amount of research on CBD for pain. Studies suggest that it could be helpful to treat arthritic pain and neuropathic pain.

We also know that CBD acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. Applied to tooth pain, CBD could help to reduce the swelling that a painful tooth can cause.

In Conclusion

Tooth pain is one of the most debilitating dental problems you can have. It’s generally a sign of some form of tooth decay, but it could also point at other causes.

In recent years, scientists have found that medical cannabis and CBD are useful in lowering levels of pain, inflammation, and bacteria proliferation. Research on the uses of cannabinoids for tooth pain is still lacking. However, what we know about the effects of medical cannabis on other types of pain is very promising. We are expecting to see much more research on medical cannabis and dental health in the future.

How to Use CBD Oil for Tooth Pain

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin – Stout and a Minor in English Writing.

There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

This article has been viewed 25,125 times.

Got a toothache? Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a chemical extracted from hemp plants that doesn’t give you a high and can be used for pain relief. While there have not been many tests or studies done on using CBD oil for oral or dental pain, you can still try using it to see if it works for you. Start by choosing a high-quality CBD oil product for the most effective treatment. After that, apply the oil directly to your tooth or swallow the product to start feeling relief. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting CBD and discuss long-term treatment with your dentist!

Is CBD Effective at Relieving Nagging Tooth Pain?

You may have heard of CBD being used to treat joint pain, nausea, sleep disorders, and many more conditions or symptoms. But have you ever considered if CBD would be an effective solution for nagging tooth pains?

Tooth pain is one of the most inconvenient and bothersome feelings we experience. And unless you have a dentist readily available to help you treat your dental dilemma, even minor symptoms of dental pain can ruin your day.

In this article, we’ll dive into the research around CBD and its effectiveness in treating tooth pain.

What Is CBD?

CBD is widely recognized as a popular natural remedy when it comes to naturally sourced treatments for those suffering from pain.

You may have many questions about CBD, even if you’ve already used it as a treatment. Its popularity has emerged over the years. However, CBD is not just a fad. The truth is, CBD is here to stay. As more people (including medical professionals) recognize the natural powers of CBD, these products are becoming more in demand.

If you are new to the world of CBD products & treatment, there’s no need to be intimidated. You may see CBD a lot in the media, marketed products, or even health journals. It may be popular, but it’s also a very beneficial method for a range of treatments.

In short, CBD refers to cannabidiol, which is one of the most notable active ingredients found in marijuana (aka cannabis) plants. While CBD does derive from the hemp plant (the cousin of the mariajuana plant), it does not provide the psychoactive effects or “high” feeling that cannabis products containing tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, will produce.

CBD is not a cure; however, it has been shown to provide relief for many symptoms that result from health conditions. CBD can help relieve an extensive range of health symptoms without the risk of developing a dependency.

How does this work? CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) within our body. The ESC typically contains natural cannabinoids made in the body and their cannabinoid receptors- when these interact, the ECS can regulate bodily functions like pain, appetite, or mood. CBD is a cannabinoid that, when ingested or applied to the skin, also interacts with cannabinoid receptors to affect these functions.

Over time, numerous studies and trials have led to FDA-approved forms of CBD treatments that are effective & safe to use.

Can CBD Oil Help With Dental Pain?

Dental pain can refer to a range of symptoms, including tooth sensitivity, aches, cavities, and more. While CBD oil can provide relief for some of these symptoms, others may require attention from a dentist for proper treatment.

So, let’s start by talking about toothaches– one of the most common (and irritating) forms of dental pain. More often than not, toothaches are caused by an inflammation within or around the teeth/gums. Once the swelling begins, so does the toothache.

Research shows that there is a considerable amount of data that demonstrates CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. Some people may take an over-the-counter pain relief medication such as Advil. However, this method does not directly target your pain source in the way that CBD products can. If you are looking for immediate relief for your toothache, it may be more helpful to apply a CBD spray, oil, or tincture (safe for oral use) onto the affected area.

It’s also important to note that infected gums can cause dental pain that is more severe than your typical toothache. While CBD is not a total solution to these infections, it can help reduce the severity. A 2020 study noted that CBD oil could provide nutrients within the gums that help regulate the function of bacterias. This study also concluded from their research that CBD performed well compared to other treatments to reduce plaque.

Overall, one can conclude from the abundance of research on this topic that CBD can effectively relieve toothaches & other causes of dental pain. However, it’s important to remember that this does not cover every factor of dental pain, and some cases will need attention from a professional dentist.

Common Methods of Taking CBD For Dental Pain

If your dental pain is exceptionally severe or connected to a certain dental condition, your dentist should be the person to help you find the proper method of treatment. However, in less severe cases like common toothaches, CBD can be an extremely effective natural remedy.

When flossing isn’t getting the job done, it might be a good idea to grab some CBD to help relieve your pain. The most common CBD methods for tooth pain include capsules/edibles, as well as CBD oil tinctures.

CBD oil tinctures are an excellent method when you are looking for fast relief. That being said, if you’re looking for immediate results, there are different ways to achieve this with CBD oil. When you are shopping for your CBD, it helps find a product that comes with a dropper for your tincture.

The first method you can try is taking the dropper, apply a few drops of CBD oil to your finger (wash your hands first), or a q-tip. Then take your finger/swab and gently apply the CBD oil to your gums, targeting the source of your pain. The second method you can try with CBD oil is adding it to your toothpaste. Add about 1-2 drops of CBD oil to the toothpaste on your toothbrush and start brushing. As you brush, try to give extra attention to the areas surrounding your gums where the pain is coming from.

Using CBD oil tinctures will most likely take around 20 minutes to start working. If you don’t mind waiting longer to feel relief, you can try taking CBD edibles or capsules instead, which can provide results within an hour or two.

Can I put CBD oil on my gums?

Before you treat your gums with CBD oil, remember to make sure your product is safe for use. Check your CBD oil label for any warnings that advise against applying the product orally.

Once you’ve confirmed that it can be used orally, you can apply it to your gums. It’s recommended that you apply a small amount (1-2) gently around your gums, or you can add it to your toothpaste, as previously mentioned.

Can you brush your teeth after using CBD oil?

Yes, but we recommend allowing the CBD oil to absorb in your mouth before you brush your teeth. If you brush your teeth after using CBD oil, be cautious to avoid swallowing the toothpaste/CBD.

How much CBD should I take for pain?

In terms of dental pain, the average suggestion is to take around 25mg of CBD per dosage. If you would like to start smaller, 15mg-20mg might be a good starting dose.

Can I drive after taking CBD oil?

CBD does not provide any psychoactive effects. Therefore, it will likely not impair your ability to drive. However, it’s important to check with your local laws and restrictions, as they differ among regions. That being said, you are most likely safe to drive after taking CBD oil. The only exception might be if the CBD product you’ve taken contains THC, it can impair your driving. Stay safe.

Are there any known negative side effects of using CBD?

The research available on CBD suggests that there are rare cases of side effects. The potential side effects are not common & typically mild but include dry mouth, nausea, or fatigue. In order to prevent adverse side effects, make sure your CBD dosage is reasonable concerning the recommended amount.

How long does CBD oil stay good for?

Most CBD oils on the market will eventually expire, with an average shelf life that ranges from one to two years. Before you take your CBD oil, remember to check the label for information about the expiration date/shelf life.

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