Can CBD Gummies Make You Nauseous

CAN CBD GUMMIES MAKE YOU SICK? Extrac­ted nat­ur­ally from hemp plants, CBD is one of the 113 types of can­nabin­oids that is used for treat­ing a num­ber of health issues . Also known as So can CBD edibles cause nausea? Why does my stomach hurt after eating edibles. To learn about the health effects of edibles, we have the answers here. Here are 15 CBD Oil side effects that are backed by scientific and consumer evidence. Outlining the different possible negative side effects of hemp Cannabidiol (CBD) oils, reasons why side effects occur, factors that may influence each side effects, and the best ways to avoid them. Side effects of CBD oil may include nauseau, headaches, dizziness, and dryness of mouth.


Extrac­ted nat­ur­ally from hemp plants, CBD is one of the 113 types of can­nabin­oids that is used for treat­ing a num­ber of health issues .

Also known as Can­na­bi­d­i­ol, this chem­ic­al com­pound has no psy­cho­act­ive effects which has led to its leg­al­iz­a­tion in vari­ous parts of the world.

From pain man­age­ment to treat­ing symp­toms of anxi­ety, CBD has a num­ber of real-life applic­a­tions. Reg­u­lar use of CBD makes way for a whole­some life­style and helps to man­age numer­ous health con­di­tions more effi­ciently.

How is CBD Useful In Daily Life?

  • CBD can help to man­age stress and related symp­toms like anxi­ety and pan­ic dis­order. Reg­u­lar use can help you to handle things in an effi­cient man­ner and enhance pro­ductiv­ity as well.
  • Patients who are suf­fer­ing from chron­ic pain due to arth­rit­is can opt for Can­na­bi­d­i­ol. It can help to relieve the symp­toms like muscle stiff­ness, sore­ness and inflam­ma­tion.

CBD products like top­ic­al creams, patches and lotions have emerged as pop­u­lar products which can be applied dir­ectly on the pain­ful joints or the affected areas. People can also try tak­ing CBD orally in the form of gum­mies , effects of which last the longest.

  • CBD is a proven immunity boost­er. The anti-inflam­mat­ory prop­er­ties act as immun­osup­press­ants and immun­omod­u­lat­ors.

Whenev­er the immune sys­tem is under­per­form­ing, CBD can help to make it more act­ive. It can also reduce the immune system’s inflam­mat­ory response.

  • Stud­ies show that over 10–30% adults suf­fer from chron­ic insom­nia.

Insom­nia is a com­mon con­sequence of anxi­ety and excess­ive stress. CBD can man­age the root causes and help to get qual­ity sleep every night.

  • CBD can also enhance the energy levels of the body. It can activ­ate the cells that are respons­ible for mak­ing the body feel tired and slug­gish, and help to regain the focus.
  • It can also be help­ful in treat­ing the symp­toms and side effects of can­cer and can­cer ther­apy respect­ively. Some of the com­monly noticed symp­toms are naus­ea, loss of appet­ite, dizzi­ness and unusu­al weight loss which can be man­aged effi­ciently by tak­ing CBD in mod­er­ate amounts reg­u­larly. Neuro­path­ic pain and inflam­ma­tion can also be treated by CBD.

Apart from these, the thera­peut­ic poten­tials of CBD have been real­ized by the med­ic­al industry and a num­ber of researches are going on to find its bene­fits in oth­er aspects.

CBD Consumption

When it comes to the con­sump­tion of CBD, there is a lot to state. Espe­cially for new­bies, it is quite dif­fi­cult to choose the right mode of con­sump­tion that will be safe and effect­ive for them.

The cause of your con­sump­tion can help to decide the meth­od of admin­is­tra­tion. For instance, people who want to get relief from the incess­ant joint and muscle pain can opt for CBD oil or top­ic­al creams. Simply apply­ing it on the sore areas can help to reduce inflam­ma­tion.

There are numer­ous oth­er CBD infused products in the mar­ket such as vapes, tinc­tures, lotions, salves, bath bombs, pills and cap­sules.

CBD edibles like gum­mies and can­dies, can be taken orally, and are recom­men­ded for people who do not like the dif­fer­ent earthy taste of CBD oil. Gum­mies are also use­ful if you can­not swal­low a pill or a cap­sule and want the effects of CBD to last longer.
CBD gum­mies are also the cheapest CBD option today and are avail­able in a vari­ety of fla­vours .

If you are ser­i­ously con­sid­er­ing CBD as an option, then it’s recom­men­ded that you avoid the loc­al mar­ket.

These loc­al CBD brands may not be as safe as some of the well estab­lished brands like cbd­MD. Made from organ­ic hemp and hav­ing a smooth fla­vour that can calm your nerves, cbd­MD is a pop­u­lar choice for a CBD product accord­ing to the review by experts at Health Care Busi­ness Today.

Can CBD Gummies Make You Sick?

While con­sum­ing CBD edibles, you must remem­ber to take care of the recom­men­ded dosage.

Till now, there has been no spe­cif­ic dosage of CBD for dif­fer­ent ail­ments .

You should there­fore start from a low dose and increase it gradu­ally when you start noti­cing the dif­fer­ences.

Can­dies infused with CBD , oth­er­wise known as CBD gum­mies come in var­ied fla­vours and are the best option for people who dis­like the earthy taste of CBD oil.

CBD gum­mies is the cheapest and most read­ily avail­able CBD product.

People with anxi­ety and depres­sion can bene­fit from CBD gum­mies. By enhan­cing the sero­ton­in levels , it reg­u­lates the feel­ings of anxi­ety and pre­vents the body from enter­ing a pan­ic mode.

Gum­mies are a great option for those people who only recently star­ted using CBD as an altern­at­ive treat­ment for their con­di­tions.

This is because CBD from gum­mies are only absorbed by the body after under­go­ing diges­tion in the stom­ach.

Also, the easy meth­od of con­sump­tion has made gum­mies one of the most widely sought out CBD products.

Although CBD gum­mies have no side effects what­so­ever, you can still see a few neg­at­ive effects on your body if you fail to fol­low the prop­er dosage.

CBD Gummies And Other Drugs

In case you are on cer­tain oth­er med­ic­a­tions and plan­ning to give a shot to CBD, it is bet­ter to have a word with your doc­tor first because the ingredi­ents of the drugs could react with CBD and may affect your health.

All of these can be eas­ily avoided if you con­sume it in the amount advised by your doc­tor.

Drugs Which May React With CBD are :

  1. Anti­bi­ot­ics and Pain Meds
  2. Anti­histam­ines
  3. Anti­de­press­ants
  4. Anti­mi­cro­bi­als
  5. Blood Thin­ners and Immun­osup­press­ants
    • Anti­c­an­cer Medi­cine
  6. Cho­les­ter­ol Bal­an­cing Drugs
  7. Anti­e­pileptic Drugs
  8. Medi­cine for Erectile Dys­func­tion
  9. Blood Pres­sure Medi­cine

These drugs inhib­it the CYP3A4 enzyme of the group P450, just like CBD.

While on these med­ic­a­tions, your body can­’t work to meta­bol­ize CBD because the enzyme respons­ible for this is being used up by the oth­er drug.

In both cases, if CBD or any oth­er drug is being pro­cessed by your body too slowly, it can cause adverse side-effects like vomit­ing, dizzi­ness, naus­ea, drowsi­ness, fatigue or diarrhea.

Wrap Up

CBD is used pop­ularly for its numer­ous health bene­fits.

In recom­men­ded doses, it is extremely bene­fi­cial, but unsu­per­vised con­sump­tion can be fatal for your liv­er and over­all body health.

Can CBD Edibles Cause Nausea? What Are The Health Effects of Hemp Infused Edibles?

You may be experiencing one of CBD’s side effects. While very few people experience CBD side effects, they do still exist. Keep reading to find out if CBD is really the case of your nausea, and how CBD may actually be able to treat your nausea if it isn’t!

Two of the most common side effects of CBD use are stomach pain and nausea. Although it is rare, some people can experience gastrointestinal issues when consuming CBD.

Alongside nausea, CBD has also been known to cause diarrhea, constipation, or even vomiting.

Why Does My Stomach Hurt After Eating An Edible?

However, most of these symptoms typically occur when using CBD oil, not CBD edibles. It is also believed that these side effects may actually be occurring due to the ingestion of the carrier oils that CBD is infused into, rather than due to CBD itself.

When consumed in large doses, carrier oils such as grapeseed oil, hemp oil, or even olive oil, can irritate the stomach, leading to gastrointestinal issues.

It should be noted that no study or review has ever found CBD edibles to produce more side effects than CBD oils.

There is simply no evidence that ingesting CBD edibles is likely to produce more adverse effects than when CBD is consumed in any other way.

If your stomach hurts after eating a CBD edible it could very well be due to one of the oils contained in your edible, rather than the CBD content itself.

If you believe that you are experiencing gastrointestinal issues due to your CBD use, you should stop using it right away.

CBD’s side effects are temporary and will subside after ceasing the ingestion of the cannabinoid.

It is thought that the more CBD you consume, the more likely you are to experience side effects. Simply lowering your doses or overall intake may also lead to an improvement in symptoms.

CBD’s Side Effects

Like with all of CBD’s side effects, experiencing nausea is quite rare. A scientific review from 2017 confirmed CBD’s “favourable” and minimal side effect profile when used by humans.

The review noted that the most commonly reported side effects of CBD use were tiredness, diarrhea, and changes in appetite and weight. CBD is also believed to cause several other side effects, although with even greater rarity.

In some cases, people may feel drowsy or sleepy after ingesting CBD. This can especially happen when CBD is consumed at large doses which tend to produce sedative effects in humans.

Others may experience temporary lightheadedness which is usually cured with a stimulating warm beverage like a cup of coffee or tea.

CBD has also been shown to cause a drop in blood pressure, which could be problematic for some people, and dry mouth (the most common side effect of CBD use).

However, researchers also took the time to note that when compared to other drugs, CBD’s side effects are minimal and tolerable.

In fact, CBD may even be able to treat some of the side effects caused by other medications, leading many to consume it alongside other medications as part of a more comprehensive treatment plan.

CBD May Actually Help Your Nausea

In most cases, CBD actually works with the body’s inner endocannabinoid system (ECS) to alleviate nausea and stomach pain.

A 2011 study was able to identify the specific pathway by which cannabinoids prevent or induce vomiting.

Agonism of the ECS CB1 cell receptor seems to suppress vomiting, whereas inverse agonism of the CB1 receptor induces vomiting.

Moreover, the study showed that CBD may also help to suppress vomiting by indirectly activating 5-HT1A receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus.

Health Effects of Edibles

What other conditions can CBD edibles help you treat? There are many advantageous health effects of edibles that can improve your overall quality of life.

CBD has been shown to be successful in the treatment of certain kinds of physical pain. For instance, CBD is particularly effective in treating inflammation and inflammation-related pain.

This has led to it being used by people ranging from seniors suffering from arthritis to professional athletes seeking to recover more quickly for painful workouts. Additionally, numerous studies have also confirmed CBD’s ability to treat neuropathic pain (nerve pain) caused by conditions such as HIV and multiple sclerosis.

Moreover, CBD has proven to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of numerous psychological conditions. CBD interacts with cell receptors in the ECS to provide relief from feelings of anxiety, depression, and even from psychological cravings.

Studies show that CBD is capable of treating numerous anxiety disorders including PTSD (post-traumatic anxiety disorder), SAD (social anxiety disorder), and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), as well as certain symptoms of depression.

Recent research shows that CBD edibles and oils may even help to dampen the cravings caused by substance abuse and the symptoms caused by withdrawal. CBD seems to rewire the brain’s reward pathway, making cravings less intense and addicts less impulsive.

Moreover, its ability to treat the anxiety, nausea, and physical pain that are characteristic of withdrawal means that it can help addicts to get clean with less suffering.

Researchers are hopeful that CBD may have a significant future role to play in solving the current opioid epidemic.

People of All Ages Are Using CBD

Because of its safety and efficiency, people of all ages are turning to CBD.

More seniors and older adults are using CBD than ever before. Older people have typically been averse to marijuana use due to its legal status and social stigma. However, surveys indicate that those attitudes have largely changed.

A recent survey by the University of Colorado found that a whopping “60%” of seniors and older adults surveyed “strongly agreed” with the use of medical cannabis. Moreover, according to a recent survey of 1000 adults aged 54 and up, 51% of respondents reported that CBD had improved their quality of life.

CBD allows seniors to treat a lifetime of aches and pains quickly and without the risk of getting ‘high’.

Medical cannabis allows seniors to enjoy physical activities like spending a weekend on the ski hill or even going for a long walk.

Surveys indicate that most seniors use medical cannabis to treat the physical pain that would otherwise be associated with such activities.

For instance, 42% of seniors surveyed used CBD to treat inflammation and another 38% used it to treat arthritis.

CBD Edibles And Oils Can Even Be Safe For Children

Some parents are also turning to CBD in order to better treat their children’s medical conditions. CDB’s ability to treat certain kinds of epilepsy has been absolutely life-changing for some children.

In 2013, Charlotte Figi, an 8-year girl old from Colorado made international headlines by successfully treating Dravet Syndrome, a rare and debilitating epileptic condition, with CBD.

Charlotte’s story was so profound and wide-reaching that the cannabis strain used to treat her (Charlotte’s Web) can now be purchased over-the-counter at many dispensaries in flower or oil form.

Since many other parents have turned to CBD in order to help their children better manage the symptoms of epilepsy.

In some rare cases, CBD has even been shown to treat all symptoms and provide near-total relief from the condition.

Where Can You Buy CBD Edibles?

How can you take advantage of the many health effects of edibles?

Check out our shop for a wide range of CBD edibles including infused capsules and gummies !

15 Severe CBD Oil Side Effects

In this article, we will be outlining the 15 different possible negative side effects of hemp Cannabidiol (CBD) oils, reasons why side effects occur, factors that may influence each side effect, and the best ways to avoid them. Note: For 31 Proven CBD Oil Benefits list click here.

The side effects of CBD can be viewed from two perspectives and with two conclusions. The customer testimonial point of view, versus preliminary studies on people and mice.

Based off of user accounts and partial scientific research, these are 15 possible negative CBD oil side effects. However, each person’s body is unique and may react to CBD differently. Information about the exact negative side effects on CBD are limited. This is due to the infancy and newly recent explosion of the Hemp CBD industry, along with no extreme side effects have been found to this date in general.

In my opinion, it is also due because the side effects are not very complicated at all, and are fairly simple and ordinary. In fact, a CBD research study updated in 2018 found that “One out of every three users reported a nonserious adverse effect. ” This finding lines up with the popular consensus is that all cannabis products, CBD, THC or other cannabinoids are extremely safe with little to no major consequences. Especially in comparison to modern medications and treatments.

Let’s get into it!

1. Nausea: In studies and customer testimonials, people have found that CBD oil drops cause them stomach discomfort and nausea. Although CBD is designed to help these symptoms specifically. However, this can be caused by sensitive stomachs, using CBD on an empty stomach (not recommended, we suggest taking CBD 30 minutes to one hour after a meal), or due to taste or concentration.

Taking 1000mg of CBD as a first time user may cause Nausea, as this is a decently high amount of CBD. For an upset stomach or Nausea caused by CBD, we recommend and suggest people to decrease their dosage until they feel better, or drink water right after taking the CBD oil to rinse it down. We do not recommend stopping CBD outright, as this could affect effectiveness from consistent use.

2. Dryness of the Mouth: CBD oil drops have sometimes been found to give people dry mouths. Scientific evidence for this is limited, however, there was one study completed in 2006 from a male rat study that found that cannabis cannabinoids affect our endocannabinoid receptors in our brain, inhibiting the CB1 and CB2 that control saliva production. Therefore leading to less saliva produced and a more dry mouth temporarily. Luckily, the solution is easy. Just drink more water than normal, which is also why we suggest drinking a cup of water after taking CBD oil.

3. Dizziness: Dizziness can happen to those who take a higher concentration of CBD, or especially in those who try CBD vape pens. As the absorption rate of pens are 5x faster and can really hit you if you inhale a lot. However, this may be a placebo effect. Real dizziness might actually be caused by a drop in blood pressure. Our suggestion if this happens is to sit down, gain stability back, and snack on some items or drink tea.

4. Drowsiness: Studies and testimonials indicate the possibility of drowsiness from CBD oil. Drowsiness can be a benefit of CBD oil drops depending on someone’s needs. A higher dosage of CBD is known to cause drowsiness, which is why CBD has been used heavily to help with sleep insomnia and those who find it hard to sleep. All this means is take smaller doses of CBD during the day if you are working, driving or doing other possibly dangerous activities. Then take a higher dosage of CBD at night. There are new CBD products being specifically made to help you focus, such as CBD coffees, pre-workout formulas, and vitamin “focus” packets.

5. Change in Mood or Appetite: CBD has had a few cases affecting mood and appetite. This can occur indirectly through the reduction of Anxiety, which can cause people to eat more than usual or act differently. Therefore making people eat less or change their persona. However, CBD can also be found to help increase appetite, but mostly in conjunction with THC products. Our recommendation is to calculate your dosages and be aware of how you act, think or feel throughout the course of using the CBD products.

6. Vomiting: Vomiting is not a well-known side effect of CBD. In fact, a study from 2011 on rats found that cannabinoids can help decrease the need to vomit because of the way it affects the CB 1 receptors. Note, CBD helps Nausea through CB 1 receptors as well. If vomiting does occur, evaluate your entire diet, and think about what you ate 4-6 hours before. If not 24 hours before. There are a lot of variables in why vomiting can be caused, but one may be the fact that CBD is used to reduce the feeling of sickness. Therefore sickness may have caused the vomiting to begin with.

7. Diarrhea: Based off of a few customer testimonials, diarrhea could possibly be an side effect of CBD for those that have weaker stomachs. However, for the average person, this is rare. It is also likely that these people ingested CBD on an empty stomach. CBD oil drops should be taken within the first couple hours before or after eating. The most optimal time to take CBD oil products is 30 minutes to an hour after eating, in order to maximize bioavailability. Which is the absorption rate of CBD into your body. But also to ease digestion for your stomach.

8. Vivid and Dark Dreams: Some people have reported having extremely vivid dreams after ingesting CBD oils. This is likely to be due to one of the benefits of CBD, which is better sleep and increases drowsiness for helping sleep insomnia. Therefore, CBD helps put you in a deeper sleep known as delta sleep, slow wave sleep or N3. By putting you in a deeper sleep dreams can seem more vivid.

On top of that, a few people experience more dark and nightmarish dreams. It has been reported that this usually happens the first or second night people take CBD oils. We do not know exactly why this happens, but it may be due to the mental changes and adjustments CBD provides to your brain. In the rare case this does occur, it should go away quickly without any extra efforts needed.

9. Lack of Effectiveness: Basically the opposite of a side effect, but there have been a few cases reported where people feel no relief from their symptoms at all. This could be due to the lack of consistent use of CBD. This can also be caused by using too little of a dosage of CBD. In our opinion, any CBD oil with less than 500mg falls under this category. We suggest using a higher dosage of CBD, and if CBD benefits still do not occur, the brand product you are using may not be high quality. Or CBD oil simply does not work for you. Which would be a major bummer.

10. Worsened Symptoms from Parkinson’s Disease: Early findings from scientific studies suggest that a high dosage of CBD oil can worsen the symptoms and tremors from Parkinson’s Disease. We highly recommend speaking to your doctor before trying CBD oil for Parkinson’s Disease. Newer research has suggested that CBD oil can be beneficial at lower dosages for this disease, but we highly recommend speaking to a professional first.

11. Headaches and/or Migraines: The possibility that CBD oil itself causes headaches is likely very low. As CBD has been used to help migraines and headaches. However, people that have noticed headaches after using hemp CBD oil is most likely caused by the brand of oil used, the base oil of the tincture, solvents, or overall bad ingredients. We suggest changing brands or using a new CBD oil product to see if the migraines or headaches go away. That said, each person reacts to CBD differently and CBD oils may not be a great fit for you.

12. Liver Problems: This is the most severe problem on this list, and is also one of the newest ones to be identified for CBD and CBD products. As recently stated in the FDA meeting and hearing of CBD, liver issues have been found through multiple different studies and formal pieces of issues. They have identified the cause to be an inhibition or stopping of liver-helping medication, and in reverse promotes worsening liver function. Therefore beware of using CBD oil or any CBD products if you have any type of liver issues.

13. Affect Medications That Have Grapefruit Warnings: This is brand new information that goes along with liver problems that may be caused by CBD. CBD has been found to affect the same medications that have restrictions on grapefruit because it interacts with the same enzymes of the body that grapefruit does. According to Forbes, grapefruit and CBD both contain compounds that bind and basically neutralize enzymes in the gut (CYP450 enzymes), which help destroy and remove the drug from the body.

Because the enzymes are restricted, the drug would enter the liver and flow at higher levels because it is not being removed from the body. This may make a low dosage of the drug to be a very high dosage. CBD is possibly even more dangerous, by binding to enzymes in the liver and gut. It can take a few days for normal enzyme function to return.

Now this only pertains to medications with grapefruit, not on a standard basis of a normal person taking It is very case to case and you should discuss with a doctor if it will affect you similarly.

14. Lower Blood Pressure: In addition to above, CBD may act as a blood thinner, therefore possibly lowering your blood pressure. This can pose a real risk to those taking blood thinning medications. As well, those entering surgery should refrain from taking any CBD for up to a week in advance of any type of surgery. Discuss your use of CBD with your doctor before any surgery.

15. Increased Effectiveness: CBD has been found to increase in effectiveness the longer it is used. The opposite of tolerance. This means that over time, you may not need to take the same MG of CBD to reach the same desired effect. What this also means is over a few months of use, you should decrease your dosage to see if you still feel the same results.

What are some things that affect CBD oil side effects?

The negative side effects of CBD oil drops can be affected by a plethora of things. Including but not limited to age, size (Height/Weight), genetics, metabolism, concentration usage, brand, amount used, diet, and other related variables. The quality of the hemp-derived CBD oil, the specific oil base used, cannabis extraction method, and overall quality of hemp in the ground all make a difference.

Some farms have heavy metals in the hemp soil, which can negatively effect your entire body. Therefore make sure you analyze every brand and ensure they have an image of their Certification of Analysis or Third-Party test results on their product image pages. All the brands Binoid CBD works with have these images on every product image.

Common Side Effects of CBD Questions

Does CBD Get You High?

– No, CBD by itself cannot get you high because CBD is non-psychoactive and is usually extracted by the hemp plant. The hemp plant contains very little THC, the ingredient that gets you high.

Is CBD bad with other drugs or pills?

– Before we get into the answer to this question, consult your doctor or a medical practitioner before using CBD in combination with medications. From the most general point of view, CBD does not make a large difference with many over-the-counter medications. That said, high dosages of CBD has been found to affect some medications. Thus, it important for you to consult a professional before adding CBD to your daily routine. Some medications, drugs or pills might not work well with CBD. We believe this is rare, but every person has different circumstances.

Can I use or take too much CBD oil?

– A big NO, you cannot overdose or take too much CBD oil. That is simply because in the end of it CBD oil comes from a plant. But in terms of facts, there have been zero reported CBD related deaths. So stop worrying, CBD is very safe for you to ingest. Additionally, animals cannot overdose from CBD either. Dogs, cats, horses, small animals alike cannot take too much CBD oil. Our suggestion is to start at a small dosage, and slowly increase dosage and strength until you reach an optimal amount that works for you.


These possible negative CBD side effects can be seen as mild compared to many if not most medical treatments or drugs, such as opiates. This is what makes CBD so powerful as a possible solution to many conditions. From as minor to stubbed toes, to extreme conditions such as cancer, tumors, and seizures, CBD has the possibility to help these cases based off of customer evidence.

The current data suggest that CBD could be extremely useful for all types of symptoms or issues, and that the benefits completely outweigh the possible negative side effects. However, this data is not statistically significant, or conclusive enough to make a medical diagnosis or claim about treatment. But it is a start to learning more about a new compound that could be at the forefront of future innovations.

As it is now, hemp-based CBD was recently just approved in the first pharmaceutical drug treatment for seizures using cannabis. Steps and progress like this gives excitement for the future CBD helping many intense symptoms like arthritis, migraines, cancer pains, seizures, and plenty more.

For our best CBD oil solutions, click here. And use the coupon code TRYBINOID15 for 15% off our Water Soluble Wellness Drops on our store! Thank you for completing the article, if you have any questions or comments please post below.

Disclaimer: The statements made on this page have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or healthcare provider. The information provided is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a healthcare provider, and should not be construed as medical advice.


Gabriela – I would suggest stopping your use of CBD for a couple days, and restart again to see if it is the CBD or something else. If it is CBD, I suggest using a different brand and see if that makes a difference!

Best of luck on your CBD journey!

A420N – CBD has been found to affect liver function, especially with prior medical history or problems. CBD may also affect your blood pressure. I would consult with your doctor before using CBD.

Gabriela – Many have found these issues when they first start taking CBD products. You may need to cut down on your dosage. However, most of those problems have been found to go away with consistent use.

I had hep-c but am now cured thanks to meds & have been clear since about 2015. Is Cbd not advised for someone like me with previous liver function issues ?

I have been taking cbc oil for sciatic pain but I always wake up with nausea,queasy stomach and fatigue the dose is 0.2 .

I have been taking cbc oil for sciatic pain but I always wake up with nausea,queasy stomach and fatigue the dose is 0.2 .

If you find your side effects becoming worse, you should stop taking CBD and consult a doctor before continuing. That being said, your side effects may diminish overtime. Possibly due to your body and mind adjusting to using CBD, or learning you may have been taking too high of a dosage. Therefore decreasing your dosage overtime might help. However, in case of serious illness or liver function issues, I would take those very seriously and would discuss with your doctor first before continuing your use of CBD. Or beginning in the first place.

Will the side effects diminish with continued use?

If you would like to see a list of the possible benefits based off studies, read our article on the 31 benefits of CBD here:

Thanks for reading!

Can cbd cure stomach problem ,like gastritis or ulcer thank you for all the information and godbless.

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